​DDoS-protected DNS service: Why do you need it?

If you are checking what DDoS-protected DNS service is, you probably already suffered from a DDoS attack. Now, they are more common than ever and damage online businesses. They might stop your server when you needed it the most and cause severe losses. It is clear that you need a way to stay safe and keep your online business running. You need DDoS protected DNS service! 

​What is DDoS protected DNS service?

DDoS protection or DDoS mitigation service refers to an additional DNS service that combines different tools and techniques to check traffic and stop DDoS attacks. The DDoS attacks are strong waves of traffic organized by cybercriminals that try to unstable your servers and make them incapable of responding to normal clients’ requests. 

If you are looking for an awesome DDoS Protected DNS Service – take a look at this page!

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DNS Monitoring – All you need to know about it

The significance of DNS Monitoring

The DNS Monitoring feature of your network monitoring solution is crucial. It aims to guarantee users’ reliable and secure access to the website or service they are using. DNS Monitoring involves keeping an eye on all Domain Name System (DNS) activity to ensure peak performance.

DNS Monitoring helps identify issues rapidly, identify potential security holes, and thwart malicious attacks. Finding DNS outages and often verifying DNS records for unforeseen changes are required. If a problem is found that can hurt your website or business, it can be fixed right away.

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DNS tunneling: Definition & Protection

DNS tunneling is a really dangerous attack that you should be aware of. In this post today, we will take place at it: its main purpose, how it works, and how you can protect against it. So, let’s begin this adventure.

The definition of DNS tunneling

As the name implies, the DNS tunneling is a Domain Name System attack type. It uses a tunnel through which it pushes malware via the client-server model.

In fact, this attack uses DNS as a communication channel to escape the victim’s firewall. Nowadays, we all use the Internet. And to be able to use it, we allow this DNS traffic to pass through our firewall. We do this because we want to access certain sites, or if we have, to access our site. Hackers know this very well and take advantage to attack us.

Detecting DNS Tunneling Attack

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Redirect 301 vs. 302: Which is better?

You are probably comparing Redirect 301 vs. 302 in cases when you want to redirect a certain page of your website. If you are not sure what actually is the difference between these two, you should keep reading! So, let’s explain a little bit more about each of them.

Redirect 301

Redirect 301 refers to a permanent redirect. That means you could use it in cases when you want to redirect the traffic from one precise URL to another permanently. When you set it, all of the users are going to be automatically redirected from the previous URL to the new one. 

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What does IPv4 mean?

Something as massive as the Internet needs a way of control, some not to be driven by chaos. Just think about the number of devices that demand connection every second worldwide. In origin, developers perhaps didn’t imagine the Internet would grow as fast and big as it is going. But they definitely thought big, so they calculated ways to keep the order. So different rules and protocols were created, like the Internet protocol (IP).

To fully understand the meaning of IPv4, we have to review some concepts. Let’s get started!

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Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) explained.

What is FQDN?

FQDN is the short acronym for Fully Qualified Domain Name. With it, you are able to see precisely the most full name of a specific domain name. And that refers not only to websites but also to servers. The Domain Name System (DNS) is created with a hierarchy order. It starts from the top, which is the root, then TLD, after that the domain, and the last is the specific hostname.

What does FQDN do?

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Basic DNS terms you should know.

If you own or plan to start an online business, congrats! You got an ambitious and exciting mission that only the bravest and smartest can comply with. But, to make it, there’s an inevitable step: you must conquer the DNS world first! 

Start your ninja training now, understanding some of its basic DNS terms.

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DNS outage explained

You have to pay urgently to some providers, and after several tries, your bank website is unreachable. You have been chasing a promotion to renew some equipment. The promotion appears, but when you try to load the website, you receive only error messages. 

As clients, we all have experienced this more than once. We hate the website, and we don’t feel like giving it another chance. It will take a long time to forget the bad experience.

On the other side, as online business owners, we don’t want to suffer this because we understand its cost for our pockets and reputation!

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​What is a DNS zone file?

​Some DNS background.

The DNS is a system of managing domains and IP addresses. It has a specific tree-like structure built with hierarchy. For administrative purposes and to make the whole system more manageable and decentralized, it uses delegated partitions called DNS zone. The DNS zone is a part of the Domain namespace that has its autonomy of management.

​What is a DNS zone file?

Each of the delegated partitions called DNS zones has a DNS zone file where the DNS administrator for each zone can add instruction, settings, authentication mechanisms, and more for the zone. They are in the form of DNS records – simple text instructions that other computers and sometimes people can read and understand.

DNS zone file format explained in detail

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Introduction to Anycast DNS

Anycast DNS explained.

Through Anycast DNS, several servers that are located in different geographical points can provide the same IP address. The DNS data for your domain name is duplicated on more than one server. You are able to choose a specific number of servers, depending on your needs. That way, your overall presence is going to be better.

When you are using Anycast, the most nearby server is going to answer the request of the user. In case one of your servers is offline due to maintenance or down for some reason, your website is still going to be reachable. The request will move to the second closest and available DNS server to resolve. As a result, the user’s request is going to be answered faster. Also, the overall experience is going to be improved in terms of loading time, waiting for a response, and so on.

Discover more details about Anycast DNS

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